Be Encouraged

Sometimes it feels like there is a question that you have yet to answer. We are wondering and trying to find the idea of self. I know I get discouraged feeling as if I am in limbo waiting. I hear the opinions of others concerning my life and everyone is telling me different paths to take. When what I really need is for someone to listen and to be a support as I set my own path/course of direction.

Trust yourself! No one knows you (besides God) better. You matter, and your life is worth living. You are loved and you are the kings (God) beloved. You have a voice and I ask you to use it. You have what you need. 

I want to encourage your heart and speak to your mind words of peace, faith, love and hope. No matter your age, health, sex, sexual orientation, economic status or education you have a life worth living and it’s not over until God says so. It’s not over until you take your last breath and are in front of the highest God.

Don’t let your dreams stay dreams. Wake up and make something happen. A psalmist said once that it’s going to be hard; it will be dark but look to the sky for you are closer to your destination than you were yesterday.

God is limitless and created you with a mind to think limitless. This world is yours for the taken. Change your life and change the world.

I dare you to live life on purpose!

Love yah! Domenia L. Dickey

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    be encouraged

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