I’m convinced: You’ll Make it

A Pastor preached tonight and said: I’m convinced, You’ll make it.

We are all going through something in our lives; keep on living (there’s an upside) We need to realized that seasons (life’s circumstances) will change. So my question to those who question God, and believe in God: What does it really mean to live? What does it really mean to live for/with God?

Blessings aren’t always materialistic. Sometimes just being able to walk is a blessing; there’s someone out there that can’t. In every struggle God is there and even if you doubt, can’t feel him; know he’s there. You still have to stand. Don’t give up on God and on Life. God’s never given up on you. Even when it feel like you’re alone, STAND! No one’s life is meant to be easy, every one is given a specific journey to take with the hope that they will give back to a life.

It’s when you’re in your darkest spot, you’ll find out how strong you really are. Trouble, trials, circumstances, can either make you, or break you. What we need to realize is that we at some point, we have a choice, to give up or keep trying, and know that we’ve given it our best. And, we’ll keep on trying. These road blocks, I believe are test of character, patience and will power.

So embrace the pain, in knowing that the greatest glory in life is when you rise every time. Dr. Angelou said it the best, “Like Dust, We Rise” Seasons we must go through just like a life has beginning and a life had an ending. In everything there’s a purpose, my brother and my sister: in everything there is a PURPOSE. You’re not in this alone, even when no one responds to your text messages or answers you phone calls. You’re not alone.

“Like Dust, You Rise!” You’re not the first to experience pain, not will you not be the last. I hope you don’t feel like I’m trying minimize what you’re going through. I’m not! But someone, somewhere has been through the same thing, and survived- you will too! There will be feelings of abandonment, bitter words, silence, “You Rise” Even Jesus had disciples. Even Jesus was not alone. There is a God, Allah, Buddah (where ever you’re in your faith) that will and has encouraged you, and sent people to encourage you. Never allow negative people and experiences: take you out. You’re stronger than you know.

I’m convinced: You’ll Make it. Remember my brothers, and my sisters, black, white, gay, transgender, bi, str8, baptist, muslim no matter who you are, or your faith, I’m convinced when present with hard time, you’re presented with the opportunity to grow into and deeper to your person, and fulfill your purpose.

Your season of Change is coming, your season of pain is ending, and you have everything you already need to make it even if it doesn’t look like it. Trust me. I was going to kill myself tonight, and then I went to a church service and was reminded of my God, my strength and how I’ve come through so much. I can make it. Eventually, in your time of trouble you will have two options, 1. give up or 2. keep trying.

Will you have faith in yourself? Will you trust in an invisible God/deity? Will you trust that there is sometime bigger than you, who knows the future and plans for your life, and will never let you fall, and stay down. My boss told me this week, “Mia, I’ll give you the hours, don’t let me down.” In crutches, and in pain, I kept my word. Made it to my shift, took my brakes, made drinks, took orders and conquered today. So to Jenn (boss), ” I know, you had know idea of how hard it is for me to work with my pain, to stand for hours, and just to smile when I want to cry, and give up on life permanently. But I’m a woman of my word. Just like my God, who is a God of his word. I came to work, for the business, to prove to you that I could do it, and to encourage myself”

I’m convinced: Together, You and I will make it. Just like I’m making it!

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